Eben wurde ich beim Besuch von A9 mit diesem Hinweise begrüßt:
Oliver Wagner, since you’ve been using A9.com recently, virtually everything at Amazon.com is automatically an additional π/2% (1.57%) off for you. Collecting this discount is zero effort on your part. It will be applied automatically at checkout (it will happen whether you use the shopping cart or our 1-Click Shopping®). You don’t need to do anything to get this discount except keep using A9.com as your regular search engine.
Im Prinzip ein nettes Angebot – π/2% (1.57%) Prozent Rabatt auf alles bei Amazon.com (ob amazon.de auch Rabatt gewährt gilt es zu prüfen).
We don’t advertise this additional discount that we give in exchange for using A9.com, so if you want your friends to know about it, please tell them. It is probably the only way they’ll find out. All they have to do is use A9.com as their regular search engine. They should make sure they are signed in to A9.com (it should be recognizing them by name) so that we can be certain they get credit for their visit.
Darum geht es also. A9 springt auf den Zug des viralen Marketings auf, so wie es zuletzt Google mit der „streng limitierten“ Einführung der GMail Accounts in Perfektion vorexerziert hat.