A couple of days ago the Feedburner team added a new statistic view, showing real time subscribers of your RSS feeds. Actually the last 25 feed requests are displayed, together with the RSS reader that pulled the file. Now, that I visited these new stats over different days, i see nothing but intraVnews readers pulling my RSS Feed every few seconds. In the total subscriber stats, you get a pretty good overview of the different feed readers and aggregators people are using. For agenturblog.de, this data looks like this:
- Bloglines: 158
- Firefox Live Bookmarks: 134
- NetNewsWire: 128
- Netvibes: 41
- Safari RSS (OS X Tiger): 40
- …
- intraVnews: 2
If you combine this two statistics, you can assume, that there are two people out there, using intraVnews to pull my RSS feed into their Outlook folders every two seconds. If this sounds familiar to you, and you read these lines inside Outlook, please check your settings!