Twitter erhält Geld von Union Square Ventures


Die Frage nach dem Businessmodell ist zwar noch nicht erschöpfend beantwortet, aber Union Square Ventures und Twitter gaben soeben den Deal in ihren Blogs bekannt.

Twittering is an emerging new form of communication on the Internet that changes the expectations associated with other forms of communication and yet it’s fundamentally different than blogging. Twitter provides a platform for banter that blogging doesn’t and it’s available in so many places via IM, mobile text messaging, or the Web that it induces a different sort of behavior. Twitter encourages people to adapt and invent behavior to suit their needs.

The question everyone asks is „What is the business model?“ To be completely and totally honest, we don’t yet know.

The capital we are investing will go to making Twitter a better, more reliable and robust service. That’s what the focus needs to be right now. We’ll have plenty of time to figure out the business model and there are many options to choose from.

Gückwunsch an das Twitter Team! Meinen Twitter Feed findet ihr übrigens hier:

von Oliver Wagner


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