„CEO blogs are possibly the most powerful type of corporate marketing per dollar spent ever invented“, schreibt Rich Ord in den Webpronews.
Blogs are a goldmine of formerly hard to get insight from CEO’s, marketing guru’s and others who never used to have a public forum. These business leaders are utilizing the internet to convey their personal thoughts on happenings in their industry and life. They are blogging for the same reasons they do public speaking, to build credibility for themselves and their company’s. Blogging has become a new … less time consuming and less expensive way to reach potential and current customers.
The effect is powerful viral marketing with blogs linking to other blogs. „The real value is things that you don’t expect,“ says Danicki. „I know from our perspective, the amount of people we’ve ended up talking to and doing business with just simply thanks to our blog is amazing. Producers in Hollywood. People from publishing companies in the States. People who in another time without this network we would never have made contact with.“