Bill Gates im CNET Interview


CNET veröffentlicht ein langes Bill Gates Interview, in dem spannenden Aussagen zu neuen Ideen und Entwicklungen im Hause Microsoft zu lesen sind.

Bill Gates über den Erfolg von Spaces, dem neuen Blogging Service von MSN:

Well, actually I think the biggest blogging statistic I know, which really blew me away, is that we’ve got close to a million people setting up blogs (Web logs) with the Spaces capability that’s connected up to Messenger.

Bill über Blogs, und ob er nicht selber bloggen möchte:

I’ve toyed with doing one myself, but I don’t want to be one of those people who start and then don’t finish it, and again I’m thinking maybe I could do one a month or one every six weeks–something like that. I’d kind of like to, but I’ve got to be sure I can keep going for at least a year to make it worth doing.

Angst vor dem Firefox:

It’s not people have stopped using IE, it’s just we’ve got lots of good ideas that can match and move ahead.

Ein CES Video mit Late Night Talker Conan O’Brien kann man hier sehen.

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